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토익스피킹 시험 후기

Aw2Tw5NT 5 181 0
전반적으로 버벅거렸고.. for some reasons 라 말해놓고 다시 for these reasons으로 번복하고..쓸데 없는걸 고쳐말하는걸 습관처럼함..
 그리고 파트6 문제가 오늘날 사람들은 과거보다 일과 가족사이애ㅜ밸런스가 잡혀있냐라는 문제였는데 내가 이렇게 말했거든.
I disagree that ~~~문제
First of all, our society is getting more competitve.
So people are busy with their lives and they don't ha ve time to think about other people, family member.

Secondly, nowadays, people tend to foucs on themselves.
In the past, they relied on their family, friends, and comunnity. For example, they had fun togeter and helped each other. But now people don't care about these as much.

걸리는게 두번째 근거가 질문이랑 동떨어진거 같아 ㅜㅜ

아 a v 있다고 글 안올라가서 한참 찾았네 ㅡㅡ

oleI6wUL 2018.10.27 20:00  
컨트롤 F 누르고 a,v 찾고 고치면 됨

럭키포인트 4,324 개이득

Aw2Tw5NT 2018.10.27 20:06  
[@oleI6wUL] 모바일이야 ㅜㅜ

럭키포인트 4,235 개이득

r9f3OMQX 2018.10.27 20:30  
ㅋㅋㅋ에이브이가 잘못했네

럭키포인트 3,129 개이득

jEIaMXv4 2018.10.27 21:01  
잘한거 같네 ㅋㅋ

럭키포인트 883 개이득

7BKT7ZTZ 2018.10.27 21:05  

럭키포인트 3,471 개이득

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